
Friday, July 29, 2011

Gearing Up For Oklahoma

     We leave tomorrow for Oklahoma, for my niece, Shana's funeral. It is surely going to be a very long and heartbreaking trip for everyone, but we need to remember that we are not going there just to mourn. (Yes, I am sure we will be doing more than our fair share of it, myself included, I mean- how can we not? So many have been left devastated by this loss.) But, we must remember that we are also going there to celebrate her life... Her spirit... Her light. It is so easy to lose sight of all of these things when in the midst of grieving, but Shana would not want us to remember her as she was when she was sick, nor would she want us to be sad. She would want us to remember her for the wonderful person that she truly was. She would want us to be happy that she is in a better place and grateful that she is no longer suffering. And I'm quite certain she would want us to take a page from her and be strong for each other.

     That's really all I have right now... I should probably get back to packing and other preparations. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers as we travel there and back, and as we say not our good byes to Shana, but our see you laters. As we WILL see her again, one day.


  1. I'm very sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was an amazing person. Hope you have a safe trip & I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

  2. You and your family are in my thoughts. Big hugs to you.

  3. Thank you both, so very much. From the very bottom of my heart!
