
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kiddies In The Kitchen

I think that it is REALLY important to allow children time in the kitchen. It is a time to bond with them and they learn SO much. Baking and cooking is, at it's base, math and science. They learn to measure, learn what happens when different things are mixed together, how different temperatures affect the outcome of those ingredients. Most importantly tho, it creates those warm fuzzy memories that we all want our kiddies to have. It helps them feel loved, as you are spending time with them. It fills them with a sense of pride and accomplishment. "Look what I did!" And I firmly believe that when your children leave the home, they should have at least a basic knowledge of how to cook for themselves. Our daughters should know how to cook with love for her family. Our sons should know how to help his wife in the kitchen. It doesn't matter what you are making together. It could be something as simple as those marshmallow crispy treats we all love, or more advanced like a three layer cake, or a five course meal. It just matters that you are doing it TOGETHER.

On a side note: They are GOING to make a mess. It's going to happen. Don't lose your cool, man. Messes can be cleaned up ALOT easier than hurt feelings. Just go with it... Make mistakes, Laugh and hug your kiddies often!

M stirring the marshmallows 2008

L mashing down the crispy treats 2008

L breading some chicken 2010

It's about the memories. Go make some.

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