
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

     This was the first year in almost 14 YEARS that we did not go to our local Fest to watch the fireworks... While kind of sad, I have to admit, it was nice to not have to fight through crowds at the fest and sit in bumper to bumper traffic to get home afterwards. Even though the trees around our neighborhood obstructed our view of the more awesome fireworks, we were still able to see some, the kiddies got to go for a night swim in the pool and the adults got to kick back and relax. (while watching the kiddies in the pool of course!)

     After all is said and done, tho, it really doesn't matter WHERE we go, as long as I have my family and my Brina and her family along for the ride. That is one routine I NEVER want to break! :)

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July filled with family, friends and fun! I know I did... So, tell me, what did YOU do to celebrate? 

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