
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Introduction to Things I'm Thankful For Thursday

     There was this really awesome Facebook challenge circulating around for Thanksgiving. Each day through the month of November, people were posting something they were thankful for. I was one of them. Some days were easier than others. Some days I'd have so many things and struggled with which one to put. Other days it was a struggle just to come up with one.
     I think that challenge was a really great idea, but why only focus on thankfulness in November? There is so much that we overlook and take for granted amidst the daily grind. I'm definitely guilty of this myself. So I have decided that every Thursday, I am going to list something, or things, that I am thankful for. I may come up with 10 things one day and only 1 the next, but I'm going to strive to do this. How bout you?  What are you thankful for?

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