
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Eggs in Peppers. ' Nuff said.

Sometimes I just want a quick and easy breakfast. But that doesn't mean that I want to fill my body with junk. It just means that I have to think a bit outside of the box. Enter eggs in peppers.
No, I didn't come up with this myself, it's been done for years, but man I sure wish I had. Either way, it is delicious!
There's not much of a recipe, it's one of those things that I change up depending on what I have a taste for. But I'll give you the basics.

Take a bell pepper or two of your color choice and wash them real good. Seriously, you don't want to be ingesting all those toxins they get sprayed with. YUCK!
Slice off the top, de-seed and then slice them across the pepper so you have pepper "rings".
Heat a large skillet with a little olive oil over medium heat. Lay your pepper rings flat in the pan.
Here's where you have to make a choice. Do you want your eggs cooked, over easy, inside the pepper?
If so, let the peppers cook for about 5 minutes, flip em over carefully and then crack your eggs into the pepper ring. Cover and cook until eggs are set and cooked to your liking.
Orrrrr, you can go the route I did in the picture below. After your peppers have cooked on the first side (about 5 minutes) flip them over and cook another few minutes till they have reached your desired softness. Remove them from the pan.
In the same pan, scramble up your desired fillings. I usually do egg whites, spinach, broccoli and ground turkey sausage (cooked first) and topped with a little feta, but this isn't about me! This is about you and what you like. When it's done, simply fill your pepper rings with your filling and ommm nom nom DIG IN!

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