
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Updates From Preggo Land..

Man, oh, man.. What a ride this has been so far. 

I usually don't have easy pregnancies. All three previous pregnancies were pretty rough on me, and in fact, I wound up on strict bed rest with the first two due to
high blood pressure. If I recall, it was never really hiiiigh, but on the high side of normal. But why risk it. So bed rest it was. 

Last pregnancy, my blood pressure wasn't much of an issue, but I tested positive for Gestational Diabetes. So there was a LOT of jumping through hoops and extra visits. Add that to already feeling like crap, and it's definitely no fun.

Anyways, moving on. 

This time around, I was hit with morning sickness. Not just in the mornings, of course. Cuz that would be too easy. No, this morning sickness is the type that lasts all day, from the moment I wake up to the moment I pass the hell out at night. 

I had planned on sticking to eating keto throughout this pregnancy, but with this morning sickness, I couldn't do it. The only things I could stomach were carbs! Go figure, uh? Well, when there are only a few things you can stomach, you eat those few things to get through and just deal with it. 

By the time I started feeling better, and was ready to get back to eating keto, I just couldn't get myself back on track. And because I was eating mostly carby crap (and remember, the whole reason for me doing keto to begin with was that carbs DO NOT agree with my body) I gained a metric shit ton of weight super super quickly. It was awful and most definitely not healthy. And maaaaan, did I feel it.

I was also recently told that I've got high blood pressure again. I'm kicking myself because I have a very strong feeling that had I somehow managed to stick to keto for the last few months, my blood pressure wouldn't be an issue...

So now that I'm finally starting to feel better, and more in control, I've recently gotten back to eating keto. And I'm so happy I did. Not for weight loss. That's NOT my goal. My goal is a healthy pregnancy/healthy baby. But it sure helps that I feel so much better when eating this way. I can't guarantee that I won't give in to any cravings, cuz, hi there- nice to meet you- I'm human

Now if only this extreme exhaustion would go away and be replaced with some awesome bursts of energy. Mama needs to get stuff done! Hopefully keto helps with that. And my blood pressure.

I guess we shall see!

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