
Thursday, July 5, 2018

How To Get Stuff Done With A Baby In The House

Mama relaxing with baby on her lap.

Maybe you're expecting your first baby and are wondering how you're going to manage your household when your bundle of joy arrives. Or maybe you're expecting your sixth baby but it's been a while since you last had a baby in the house and you're just looking for some tips on getting things done. Either way, look no further, I'm here to help!

I had my fourth baby back in April and it had been 6 years since I had a baby in the house. I'm older now (not to mention much more tired!) and I'll be honest, with the daily demands of a baby, plus my other kiddies, I struggled to find the time to get everything done! I focused on recovering first (that's the most important part!) and then started finding ways to do what needed to be done. 

I'm no expert and my house isn't always super clean (sorry, not sorry. We're busy making memories over here!) but I'm doing what I can while I'm in this particular season of my life. These are my (hopefully) helpful tips for you. 

I have to start out by stating the obvious: keeping a spotless house is not your first priority anymore. Your #1 priority right now (whether this is your first baby or your tenth) should be to relax (as much as possible, at least), recover, and spend time taking care of/getting to know your newest addition. Especially while they are in the newborn stage.. Seriously, take time to recover and spend time soaking up your precious new baby. They are only newborns for such a short time, but the housework will still be there later, I promise.

Now, with that said...

PICK AND CHOOSE: Once you have healed enough to be able to get around and do things more easily, and you feel like you have a bit of energy to spare, then absolutely start doing what you can, when you can. Start small. Make a list of the top three (or one if that's all you can manage, or even five if you're feeling ambitious) things you feel absolutely NEED to get done each day. Then focus on only doing those things. It's better than nothing!!! When you get that routine down and feel like you are ready to add more tasks, add just a couple at a time!

NAP TIME: An obvious tip is to get done what you can while baby is napping. Now this might not be possible if you have a newborn. You may be extremely tired (not to mention the fact that you are still recovering!) and if that is the case, go ahead and nap while baby naps. You need your rest, too, not only to help your body heal, but for your sanity's sake, as well! Work in 15 minute increments if needed. 15 minutes here and 15 minutes there adds up!

BABY CARRIERS: These things are a total Godsend! If you have one, and your baby tolerates it, for Heaven's sake, USE IT! Some babies really enjoy the closeness and movement while you go about your day to day routine while wearing them. If yours is one of those babies, send up a "thank you" and enjoy the snuggles while. you. work. It's an amazing thing.

BOUNCEY SEAT/ ROCKER: If you have one of these, drag it into the room you need to work in. As you clean or cook, talk to your baby. Or sing songs. Babies don't care if you have an amazing voice or not. Just hearing mamas voice will offer comfort while hopefully buying you a bit of time to get some stuff done.

DELEGATE CHORES!!! If you have a spouse or other children, there is NOTHING wrong with asking (or telling them!) to pitch in. I use to feel awful asking my husband to do things. He works manual labor for anywhere from 12 to 14 hours a day, 5 (used to be 6) days a week! I was the stay at home mama. It was MY job to handle all the household stuff while he worked, wasn't it?! But then one day a realization hit me like a ton of bricks. My job as mama is 24/7 and 365 days a year. I don't get a break. But when he needs help with something, I help him. WHY should I not expect the same?? Most days I would at least try to let him relax a bit first, after he came home from work. To give him some time to unwind after a long hard day. Or I'd wait till it was his day off. But there were absolutely days where I handed him the baby just a few minutes after he walked in the door. Cuz sometimes it just had to be that way and this is a partnership, after all, right?

NOTE: If you do decide to delegate, please don't nag when it's not done YOUR way. Just because it's not done your way doesn't mean it's done wrong. As long as it's getting done, consider it a total blessing and remember, these times are only temporary.

FORGET PERFECTIONISM: Some days you'll find more time to be able to get things done. Other days, you may only be able to find 15 minutes out of the entire day. When that happens, do what you can for those 15 minutes and don't sweat the rest! There's always tomorrow!

GROCERY DELIVERY: I know this isn't available in all areas, but if it is available in your area, it can be a super helpful thing. Peapod is one I've used and liked. My local Jewel/Osco and Berkots also deliver. Sometimes it's more than worth the small extra fee to have them do the shopping for you and deliver it. Then all you have to do is put it all away! Score, right?!

STOW AWAY: Keep a pretty basket in your main living areas. As the day goes on, you can simply drop things into the basket (which also puts it out of sight! Winner winner, chicken dinner!) as you get a chance, then bring the basket with you towards the end of the day (or during one of baby's longer naps) to put the items where they belong. (Better yet, delegate the putting away part to someone else. 😉)

One thing that I've heard over the years is NOT to let your baby get used to being in your arms. That unless they are crying or fussing or eating, there really is no need to be holding them. I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this. A baby NEEDS time in your arms, fussing or not. And there is nothing wrong with holding them for no other reason than to just be holding them. Especially in the first couple months. You CANNOT spoil a baby that young. It's just not possible. I'm not saying that you have to or should hold them all day every day, but certainly, when YOU want to hold your baby, hold your baby!

I hope some of these tips help you as much as they have helped me. 

What tips do YOU have for getting things done when you have a baby in the house? I'd love to hear them!

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