Per The term #CutForBieber started trending, initially as a joke started by the prankster website 4Chan. The trend comes days after photos surfaced of the “Baby” singer allegedly smoking marijuana. (Note: I have removed the link to the photos as I will not promote this. I will not have any part in causing relapse for anyone suffering from this highly addictive behavior, myself included, by posting self mutilation pictures.)
"Let’s start a cut yourself for Bieber campaign," an anonymous user wrote on a 4Chan message board, according to
"Tweet a bunch of pics of people cutting themselves and claim we did it
because Bieber was smoking weed. See if we can get some little girls to
cut themselves."
Are you fucking kidding me?!? Please, someone tell me this is just a sick, twisted dream...
"See if we can get some little girls to cut themselves." This is NOT funny on ANY level, asshole! Self mutilation is no fucking joke.
It is one hell of an addiction and like many other addictions, very hard to kick. I speak from experience, and that is probably why hearing about this has sparked such a fire in me. Some statistics have shown that up to 1 in 4 teenage girls will try self mutilation. And I was one of them. I'm not going to get into the specifics of that particular journey in this post, tho maybe another post, another time. Let me just say that I did it for many years and fought it for even longer. Still fight it to this day. It is just like any other addiction, you get urges and really have to work to keep yourself out of situations that can cause a relapse. Seeing these pictures of people "cutting" for Bieber, (which just fyi, I did NOT go searching for, I just happened to stumble across pics.) really stirred something deep inside of me. Something that had been lying dormant for at least a couple years now. Now, I was able to redirect my focus, and occupy myself until it passed and I could get the images out of my head. I wonder how many other recovering cutters had something stirred in them by these images, and of those, how many weren't able to fight it off? All because of a joke? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't jokes supposed to be..ohhh idk... funny? What the hell is funny about this? From any angle? Please tell me, because I'd love to know!
Some of these girls are wearing these cuts proudly, like a badge of fucking honor. "I did this for Justin! Stop doing drugs, Justin!" No, sweet misguided little twit. It is not a badge of honor. It is not something to be proud of nor will it get him to stop smoking pot. Someone who truly suffers from this issue does not show off their cuts with pride. I know I never did. I went out of my way to cover them. And if one does, there is more of a problem going on than just a self harming problem. There is usually some other kind of mental problem accompanying it.
It is delusional to think that cutting yourself is going to stop someone else, nevermind a young spoiled celebrity, from doing something. Worry less about these celebs that you idolize and place on a pedestal, and instead, live your own lives. Please, kids, I urge you to put the razor blades down and find a damn
hobby. Talk to someone. Draw, paint, read, join a sport. Lose yourself
in some deep music. Go find some freaking friends. Have a mind of your own!!
I hope like hell that there will be some kind of repercussions to the originators of this awful trend. I can't stop going back to the above quote: "See if we can get some little girls to
cut themselves." Doesn't that, in a way, qualify as cyber bullying? To some extent? I'm very interested in what others are thinking about this. Surely I can't be the only one bothered by it? What are your thoughts?
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